Advantages of Vlogs Over Blogs

 A thing talked about in chapter 12 is the rise of vlogs. Vlogs are just blogs in video form, and it struck the question of if they are better than blogs, and why they would be. After taking some time to reflect in thought about this concept, vlogs have more advantages than blogs.

    The first and most obvious reason is you can see who is the one making the content. You can also visually see what is happening. In blogs you read about whatever the topic of the blog is, and it is up to you and your imagination to visualize what the writer is talking about. That can prove to be difficult for some people as they are not super creative and struggle to visualize. The problem for some other people is blogs are completely reading based, and people who do not like to read are less entertained and unfocused. To write good blogs you have to be a good writer, if you are terrible grammatically or if your writing is just boring in general you will not be able to succeed. Now with all of the being said vlogs are not perfect. While making lower quality vlogs might be easy to make, higher quality and better performing ones takes a lot of work. Filming could take more than one day and be more of a compilation of the vloggers last couple of days instead of one day activities. While blogs can be written in two hours or less. Also, cost is another problem, while low quality vlogs can be filmed with an iPhone and edited with a cheap or free editing service those are not super likely to blow up on social media. The higher quality vlogs that use top end equipment tend to perform better. Not only that but you have to be entertaining to be able to succeed, if you are a boring person in real life your vlogs will not take off. 

    After all of that analyzing I think vlogs have a better chance of taking off and succeeding. When we were growing up, I think most of our generation were watching vlogs, and could watch them forever. I will admit I will watch them now from time to time because that is just how entertaining they can be and the potential vlogging has compared to blogs. With that being said, what do you guys prefer, vlogs or blogs?


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