Competitve Nature

    I always played sports growing up, and it was always a passion of mine. I had the chance to play sports here at Ohio Northern, but it was in my best interest to give up sports and focus on school since that is what I am here to do. My friends and I missed physical activity so much that we thought intramural basketball would be a great idea.

    In the beginning it was great, I got to play basketball with new friends I had made on campus. I never really liked basketball in high school so I was hoping this could turn it around and make me enjoy the sport again. Our first couple of games were competitive but still exciting and fun, probably because it was something fresh and new. Our friends that played an actual sport here could not be on the team due to their coaches' rules, so we let them be our coaching staff. As for some of the other friends, they would go to the games and watch. After one of the games our friends made us goodie baskets and that was the best game to date.

    Then it became less enjoyable, games became increasingly serious, and we were getting blown out of the water some games. It made our team try a lot harder to compete and it sucked all the fun out of it. I started to question if I wanted to be on the team anymore. Everyone we played was treating it like it was game 7 of the NBA finals. We were not playing like we used to, and it just did not feel the same.

    Now this brings us to the current day where we just played a game this last Tuesday. It was definitely a lot more fun than before break, but we still have all of the way until February, which is when the tournament is. Nevertheless, it has been an unforgettable experience and I encourage everyone who has not tried intramural sports to give it a shot. At the end of the day, it is all about perspective, if you go into the game thinking I do not want to do this, you won't have fun. It has taught me to have a more positive outlook on the things you do in life.


  1. Being one that played sports all throughout high school I completely understand how things change when heading to college. Missing the game is definitely something I relate to especially when not wanting or having the opportunity to be a part of a sports team on campus. I am glad intramural was an option for you to focus on school and still enjoy the sport you love.

  2. I can totally relate to pick up getting too serious. Nothing worse than kids acting like they need to impress NBA scouts and taking every shot imaginable. That is good to hear that you had a better experience after break and were able to take a positive mindset into the game.

  3. As someone who has always been an athlete and is currently competing at sports here at ONU, I think it is a really brave thing that you made a pretty tough decision to put sports to the side for a while. And then to be able to create something fun that you can do with your friends and enjoy. That is something really cool!


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