Star Studded Sleepovers

 When I first got to ONU I came in with my best friend from high school. I had already had him picked out as my roommate and I was not worried about anything friend wise because I had him. When we got here, we did not talk much and grew a little distant. So, I decided to go out one day and meet new people during the welcome weekend. It was somewhat of a success as I had made a couple of friends, but it did not seem like these guys would stick around.

    Then I found them, my people. I had found my way into this big group of friends that I knew right away that I was in the right place. I just immediately clicked with these guys, and it felt right, and it is great. We do this thing where we have sleepovers in my one friend's room because he somehow got a corner RA room. We all walk our mattresses out of our rooms and lay them on his floor. We watch movies, play video games, talk about life and share our past experiences. The other night we had a sleepover and talked about what had been going on in our life. While we were doing that, two of our friends were playing Minecraft. I did not think much about it, but they had said "we are going to beat it tonight, in one sitting". Now Minecraft is not a super long game to beat but it was already one in the morning, so I thought there is no way. I fell asleep and the next day I opened Snapchat to see that they had beaten it. They finished it at four in the morning. I asked them about it later that day, and they told me about how they were yelling and going crazy, and I slept right through it. I was bummed that I had missed it, but they all seemed to enjoy it.

    It feels good being able to find my people here. There was a point I was so discouraged and never thought I would click and connect with people like that here. It is a nice feeling to be able to push through the hard times and reach the good times on the horizon. That being said, I know there is going to be more hard times in the future, but I know I have some good people around me to rely on during those hard times.


  1. Isaac, your situation sounds similar to mine! I found people that I clicked with and who support me within my sorority. However, while you know a decent amount of people here from your high school, not one person from my school came to Northern. I was so nervous about making friends, but I can't imagine losing your best friend in the process of trying to make new ones. I hope they continue to support you through tough times and I wish I had a corner RA room like your new friend!

  2. Very well said Isaac. I feel a good portion of people could relate to what you've said, especially me. My first semester here was similar to what you said. However, getting involved around campus helped me meet new people. Glad to see other people finding their way too! I found it funny that your friends beat Minecraft in that little of time, I'm actually impressed haha.

  3. Last year, my friends and I would do the same thing by having sleepovers in our room. I'm happy you feel like you found your people here at ONU! Being crammed together in the tiny freshman dorms gave me memories I will never forget and honestly those were some of the best and funniest times together with my friends.


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