The Social Media Skill Gap

    A big topic in the reading this week was the skill gap in professional's social media skills. Funny enough, I had written a 6-page paper for my trex class about this exact topic. It is very necessary for young professionals to get ahead in the social media game. Excelling in the social media aspect of business can get you a job over the older generations that are less skilled in that department. Whether people want to admit it or not, social media is not going anywhere anytime soon, and it will continue to grow before it fizzles out if it was to. 

    Something a little interesting about this reading is it talks about even though Millennials were the first generation to grow up with the internet, they are way behind Gen Z in the technology game. Gen Z grew up in the iPhone era meaning they have the most experience when it comes to the most up to date things and new technological roll outs. It is interesting to me just because the Millennials have been around it longer does not mean they are the most advanced with it. It shows that someone is always out there getting better and if you do not practice what you are doing you will get passed by someone else.

    An easier way to think about the point from earlier about young professionals needing to excel in social media skills is that if you have a problem trying to figure out something on snapchat, are you going to ask one of your friends or your parents? The obvious answer is your friend because they are more experienced in the topic. It is the same for businesses, if the business is more up to date technologically, they are going to want someone that is aware of recent changes and someone with experience. It is never too late to start familiarizing yourself with this type of technology that is social media. You do not want to fall behind or miss out.


  1. Gen Z definitely wins when it comes to having the most knowledge when it comes to social media and technology in general. This puts us at a huge advantage in the work force. But I do think that Millennials are a great guidance when it comes to getting into the work force because they've been doing it a lot longer than we have so they can provide this generation with the knowledge we need to be able to apply our technological skills.

  2. The point made about asking a friend, instead of a parent about snapchat issues is great. The modern generation substantially differs from older generations when it comes to technological issues and figuring them out. The main reason for this I feel, is what you previously stated. That our generation grew up with technology, so we tend to be more familiar with it.


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