
    Chapter four of the reading is all about marketing your business with Facebook. Facebook is one of the largest social networking sites on the planet and is a great way to promote your business and gain attraction. With that being said the reading talks about this rule of 80/20. This rule stands for about 80% of the posts should be to educate, entertain, or offer a solution to the audiences' problems, while only 20% should be direct promotion to the business.
    I found this interesting but confusing at first because I felt like you would always want to promote your business and that it was the only way to grow. The more I thought about it though, the more it made sense. You do not want to overload your audience with just straight promotion, it is boring, there is only so much you can do with straight promotion. You have to keep your audience engaged with your business or company by keeping them informed. By keeping them entertained, and by being personable and showing that you respond to the question they have. That is the key to engaging an audience but then keeping them interested in your company and giving your business a chance to thrive in a world like ours is today. But it cannot just be split 50/50, by being this interesting, funny, personable business that is just as much promotion as the explicit type and can even do more for you than that direct promotion that might not interest people. That explains why it gets broken down into the ratio 80/20.
    For me this ratio of 80/20 did not make a lot of sense at first until I really sat down and thought about it. All of the proof for why this is more effective was right in front of my face, it just took a little more thought than what I expected. It makes you realize that you should not just jump to conclusions about something until you really sit down and think about it. I had never heard about this theory or idea of the ratio of 80/20 but it is something that is really going to stick with me and I will put it into practice in my life.


  1. Reading about the 80/20 rule was definitely game changer for me when it comes to my mindset on what exactly I want to talk about in a post. We all have a bad habit of getting off topic so this definitely guides you to a successful post and can also attract a bigger more diverse following if you are providing good information.


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