Birthday Tradition

    Yesterday was my friend Mason's birthday. Birthdays are cool and all, but I have never been a huge fan. I do not really like it when I am the center of attention and I do not like people saying, "oh it's your day." because at the end of the day, it is the same as every other day. But to stop being a downer, my friends and I do have this really nice tradition of celebrating our birthdays.

    We go out and buy a cake, and we all get together. Then one lucky person gets to take that cake and smash it in the birthday boy or girl's face. Pretty sick if you ask me. After that we all gather in a circle and put our heads down. Someone throws the cake into the air and no one can look. That's when you pray that the cake does not hit you in the head. So yesterday, my friends and I went to Walmart and did a little snack grab and other essentials we needed which we were running out of. Then walked over to the cake section found this little cake perfect for smashing in someone's face then went back. We found Mason gathered all of our friends and went out to the Maglott basketball courts and had our ceremony. My birthday has not come around yet, but I cannot imagine that cake is easy to wash out of your hair. So that might be a nightmare for me. Yesterday was only the fifth time we have done it, so there are plenty of more cakes to smash and good times to be had.

    Every time a new event or holiday comes around the same lesson gets hammered down. If you surround yourself with good people that you enjoy being around it is going to make everything that much better. I think this birthday thing is a great idea, it gathers all of us around to spend some time together on a special day for one of us. It almost helps the "homesick" atmosphere of college at time because these people almost feel like family to me. Every experience and memory I have with these guys will forever be more valuable than any tangible item will ever be.


  1. That tradition is awesome!!! My dad started a birthday tradition a few years ago for my family as well. He takes the cake and holds it in his hands and before we cut it up, he throws it in the air and flips it back onto his hands. I have multiple videos of him successfully landing it back into his arms with no frosting touching him. I am waiting for the time he drops it all over the will probably happen on my birthday with my cake! :(

  2. That is a very unique birthday celebration. That's awesome that it is such a good experience and brings you guys together. Throwing a cake at someone has to be a pretty cool feeling. I've never done that before but sounds like something I would enjoy.


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