Endless Wings At Applebee's

     Around two weeks ago my friends and I were bored. It is ONU there is only so much that people can do in an environment like this. It was a Saturday and it was around dinner time and my friends and I were hungry. We decided it would be a great idea to go out and eat, I mean it does not get much better than that when you have a group of friends to go with. Then the challenging part came, where is somewhere that all seven of us that were available that night would agree on going. It was miserable until one of us had the grand idea of Applebee's. You see Applebee's has this great deal going where for $14.99 you get endless wings and fries.

     Now this sounds like a great time. Until the inevitable happened, the male gender has this tendency of making everything a competition, so obviously we had to see who could eat the most. This proved to be a terrible mistake. We show up empty stomachs ready to get to eating. We all order it is about to be a blast. That first plate comes out, light work. We all eat it with little to no trouble, that is until the wait for the second plate. I was in the food high where I felt like I could eat forever, then the wait went and ruined it all. The second plate comes out and we get to eating. It was a struggle to get down but we all were able to do so. The waiter comes out and asks about a third plate we all agree to do another one except one, down to six. Now when I say this wait was the longest and worst wait, I have ever been through, I mean it. All of the food hit me at once and I did not know if I could even start the third plate. I failed to mention one thing, one of our friends did not finish his second plate before he ordered his third. Well, the food caught up to him as well and he did not finish the second plate, therefore last place. The third round came out and I was ready to hurl, I did not want the food to go to waste so I started eating. I gave up along with two of our other friends. Only two left standing up and they decide to finish with a tie at first. The final standing goes from last to first, Tucker, Tristen, Grayson, me, Hudson, and Brandt and Josh tie.

    While I maybe felt terrible for the rest of the night, I had an unforgettable experience with the people I am fortunate enough to call my best friends. We decided to get Menchie's after, but there was zero chance I was going to put myself through that with the experience I just had. 


  1. I've always wanted to try the unlimited wings, but after hearing about this I don't know if I'd make it very far. The good part about the deal though is that if you eat 12 or so wings and a decent amount of fries it is worth the money. I think it's cool that Applebee's offers this and I'm glad you had a great/tough experience.


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