A Day in Columbus

     My friends and I often run out of things to do here at Ohio Northern other than just sitting in someone's room playing video games and hanging out. A perfect opportunity arises when my friend needed a winter coat. You might be thinking to yourself, "Spring is right around the corner, why would he need a winter coat?" well you would fall into the trap that most people do. You see, since spring is right around the corner that means one thing, sales on winter coats. So, we packed up for Columbus around 9:30 Saturday morning to do a little shopping.

    We wake up and all get ready to hit the road, we immediately take a wrong turn so we get off to a great start. That affected the estimated time of arrival a little but no worries we have nothing but time, except we do not. our one friend needed to get back around 4:30 or so to go to dinner with his family. We get to Columbus around 11 or so. We skipped breakfast and we are all starving, so we decide to get food first. Now, when in Columbus there is only one right place to eat, Dave's Hot Chicken. We pull in and grab some grub to hold us over before dinner. Now, it is time to hit up the Easton mall. In my personal opinion it is easily the best mall. We did not think about it but this place was packed, it is a Saturday after all. We finally find a parking spot and hit up Barnes & Noble, we had to look for some books and things of that nature. Most of our mall trip was going into stores, finding something we liked until we realized we were broke college kids and then leave. We get to Eddie Bauer; my friend likes the coats from there so that's where we go. Just as expected there is a little sale on winter coats, he finds one he likes and checks out the price tag. He failed to do research and thought they would be a little cheaper. He immediately shut down the coat idea and we left. Not empty-handed as we all did buy one or two things but not what we were there for.

    I would say the moral of this story would be to do some research before hauling all of your friends an hour and a half. Although the day was far from wasted as I enjoyed spending time with some friends and just going out and doing something.


  1. This sounds like so much fun! I have been to the Easton Mall quite a few times; however, I have to disagree. Somerset Mall in Troy, Michigan, is by far my favorite. This mall has two sides to it, separated by a skywalk over a freeway. On the skywalk, there are moving walkways to get from side to side. Not only this, the mall offers a HUGE collection of stores and restaurants. Anyways, that is a bummer about your friend's coat sale not being much of a sale at all. But, it sounds like you guys made the most out of the trip!


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