Advertising With Snapchat

     I would say that I use Snapchat the most, maybe second only behind Instagram. But I have never really used Snapchat for shopping. I cannot think of even one time where I have gotten on Snapchat with the intent to look at the advertisements or even shop. But in chapter 7 in our book, it talks about marketing with Snapchat and how it is very effective. They pull some very interesting statistics to support why businesses should be using Snapchat to advertise and I wanted to share some of these because I found them pretty intriguing. 

    Because of the amount of people that use Snapchat the ads receive twice the visual attention of the ads on Facebook. Not only that but also 1.5 time more than the ads on Instagram and are 1.3 time more effective than YouTube. Based on that information right there, businesses should already be getting familiar with advertising using Snapchat, but it gets better. Snapchat has said that people who use Snapchat open the app 30 or more times a day. Coming from someone that uses Snapchat daily, I would say that statistic is in the general area of how many times I get on it. The concept of Snapchat itself also seems to be very appealing to the users, when describing Snapchat most people will talk about what the app is based on. Once you open a Snap there is either a time limit or you can just click off, and people like that feature and it is always getting talked about. It almost offers a sense of urgency where people do not want to take too long to respond therefore, they get on it more often, which will draw more people to your ads on Snapchat. In the book it talks about how 76% of Snapchat users bought a product online in the last month. You can use that to your advantage, get your product or service out on the platform and let people find you and be interested in what you offer. 

    I found this chapter really interesting because I know at least for me I have never thought about Snapchat in the sense of a place to buy things. It has always been an app where I can get on and see what my friends are doing while being able to text them still. But there are many advantages of promoting using this app.


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