Daily Starbucks

     I was struggling to find something to talk about this week as it has been a pretty average week. I decided to go into my friend groups PhotoCircle. Now, if you do not know what PhotoCircle is, it is basically an app that you can invite your friends to and everyone can share photos. So, as I was scrolling through this, I kept seeing pictures of all of us walking to Starbucks and us inside of the place, and the more I thought about it I was like wow, we go there a lot.

    Now I am not a coffee enjoyer, I think it is nasty. But every time I get asked to go,
I am always game. I just like seeing my friends and spending time with them even if I am not getting anything. It seems like the walk there is something new every time. Sometimes we just talk about what is going on in life, sometimes we throw a football the whole way there, or we even listen to music. I like going because I always snag a bite out of one of my friends ham and swiss on a baguette, and let me tell you, that is extraodinary. Sometimes while they are ordering and waiting for their coffee, I will walk over to the Taco Bell right next to the Starbucks. I know that is probably not the healthiest option but I feel like I need something out of these walks. It is nice because Ohio Northern's campus is small enough that we are able to walk to places like this. I just do not like it when it is cold because that is a miserable walk. But when it is nice I love to go out and do something with my friends.

    I think the moral of the story here is to spend time with the people you care about. Tomorrow is not promised and one day we will look back on these times and experiences and cherish all of the good times spent with each other. And even when I felt like I was not getting anything out of these walks, I realized that I am gaining memories that I will forever cherish.


  1. This sounds like so much fun! I would suggest trying a lemonade refresher at Starbucks, since you don't drink coffee. I hope next week is better than average!


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