Indian Lake Tornado

     My biggest fear is wind. I know that sounds stupid, but a past experience made it that way. So, it does not matter if it is a nice sunny day with no rain, if it's windy my heart is going to be pumping. Naturally I am a big weather guy because of this, I check it whenever I get the chance so I can get prepared for what is going on that day. So, I am just chilling during my spring break and I see on Thursday that we were on a tornado watch. Obviously, I was nervous but checked the radar and saw nothing really. I spent most of the day doing whatever and then night hit.

    I looked and it looked bad, the storm was heading right for us. I tell my dad and he says to me that I am getting all worried about nothing. Then the phone alert came on, I looked at my dad with an "I told you so" look and we head outside to get a visual of the storm. It looked bad but nothing tornado worthy like the alerts said. Then again, I am no tornado expert. And I was wrong, the sirens went off and the news was saying take shelter so my family and I hid in the pantry since we do not have a cellar or basement. Including my cat, peaches, and my dog, daisy. It was so loud and pitch black I could not see anything. Luckly my house only had siding damage but I cannot say the same about the rest of Indian Lake. It was an EF3 tornado which is pretty high and it demolished Lakeview and the surrounding areas. The area is pretty unrecognizable and looks pretty bad.

    Right now, they are still doing cleanup in the town and I can imagine it will be in a cleanup phase for the next couple of months. The entire community is coming together to try and fix the place we call home and make it look right again. It will take time but I know how strong that community will be and make everything as close to normal as it will get. 


  1. That is so scary you had to take shelter because of the tornado! Growing up I always thought doing tornado drills was silly for Ohio but I was wrong. I know my mom and I watched the storms on the news all night but luckily we didn't get anything more than a thunderstorm. I am glad you and your house (for the most part) are okay!

  2. I'm so sorry you experienced this. Thankfully you and your family were safe and didn't suffer major damages other than your house's siding. Hopefully things can get cleaned up soon and your town get try to get back to before.

  3. That really sucks that happened to your town, I had no idea that the tornado was that bad. At least everyone in your family and your house was safe for the most part. I can definitely understand why wind can be big fear for sure.


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