Social Media Workshop 2024

    Last Friday Ohio Northern hosted the social media workshop for 2024. I am currently a freshman at Ohio Northern University but I was fortunate enough to come to this event last year as a perspective student still in high school. It really helped as I got an idea as to how this event would be and what to expect. All of the speakers I went to were absolutely amazing and were very well prepared. I was kind of dreading the live tweeting assignment, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.

    I decide to live tweet during Colin Wylie's presentation about keeping the authenticity of your brand through the for you page. I really enjoyed this presentation because a company cares about their brand a lot and the for you page can be the first impression some people get on a company because it can be the first time discovering the company. Colin pulled up this very interesting statistic. The easy breakdown was that Gen Z is trending towards going to social media to look up a brand or company now instead of the traditional Google search. The statistic said that 67% use Instagram while 61% use TikTok. I really liked this because it introduced what his entire presentation is about while using valuable statistics to back it up. It was important because it shows that people are now more likely to use social media to discover brands and therefore the brands need to be very apparent on social media now. He did a great job of using videos and pictures to move along his presentation. Colin also shared some of his experience while at The Ohio State University and how they tie into what he is saying. He described that sometimes they cannot make videos that are trending because of the brand that The Ohio State University promotes they are. And keeping that brand image is more valuable than hopping on a trend. Colin talked about that it does not matter if you are one person or a multimillion-dollar company, everyone has their own brand and they are all different but it is about how you represent your brand on social media.

    Overall, I had a great time and learned a lot more about social media and how to put myself ahead of the game. I also won a raffle for two tickets to Cedar Point at the end so that is pretty exciting. I am looking forward to the future of the social media workshop!


  1. I agree that Colin's presentation was really interesting. That's pretty cool how you already knew what to expect during the workshop since you went last year. I know you really wanted those raffle tickets so congrats on winning those.


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