Hide and Seek

 Last week my friends and I were bored, like usual, and wanted something to do. We cycled through the normal things we do like playing basketball, video games or watching a movie. Nothing sounded that fun or interesting until the idea of a campus wide hide and seek was brought up. The luxury of Ohio Northern is that we are able to do this, campus is not small by any means but it is not massive. We still decided to section off some parts of campus and close the hiding window through the one-hour time limit we set. We had two seekers so one did not get lonely. And the hiders had to stay with a partner to group people together.

    To start my partner and I went to presser, we knew the seekers were unfamiliar to that building so we knew it was a great place to start. It was quiet, the first twenty minutes was everything east of the freshman dorms so we knew that it was not going to be an action packed first part of the game. We decided to move five minutes before the zone did so we did not get caught outside during our move. We headed towards Mac and hid there. We collectively decided every five minutes the seekers could call the hiders and ask what building the group is in. While our time at Mac we get a call from the seekers, I tell them we are at Mac and then it is time for us to move out. As my partner and I are about to leave we spot the seekers and they see us. We decided since we had to move around campus you had to almost tag the hiders not just see them. We head to the engineering building until we were eventually caught there and placed second.

    Looking back, we need to change the rules a bit because it ended up turning into a big game of tag and that is not what we wanted. But it was refreshing to do something different than what we usually do and have fun with each other.



  1. A campus wide game of hide and seek sounds super fun! You guys should buy water guns and have to "assassinate" each other to get out, or you could even play it like when someone gets hit they join and become an assassin and have to help get the others still left hiding. It could also be a nice way to stay cool on hotter days. Seems like you all had a great time though!

  2. That sounds like a great idea. It's always fun creating cool hiding places, I've never thought of doing that at ONU. There are definitely some great places to hide though. You definitely come up with better rules once you play a game a couple of times.


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