Mr. Morgan's Birthday

    Not a lot has happened in my life these past two weeks. I have done mostly homework and have been drowning in it. But we had another birthday role up on us so I decided to tell this story since I had more involvement in this one. My friend Gray had a birthday and we had to carry on the tradition but we put a little more personal twist on this one.

    We all knew Grayson's birthday was coming up so we planned our usual cake smashing plan. But a couple of days before his big day arrived, we caught a message that would put a little twist on our plan. You see Grayson has a brother and when it would be his brothers birthday Grayson would always play this princess happy birthday song. So, Grayson's mom had reached out to his roommate Josh and asked if we could do our same tradition but play this song in the background. All of our friends were in on this except Grayson of course. The day had arrived and I was supposed to buy the cake the day before when I was at Walmart, I forgot. So, after I had gotten out of class my friend Mason and I decided to hit up Walmart quick. We went there and got what we needed to. Side note, on the way there we were following this truck that was pulling a big trailer that had a cow in it. We got all the way to Lima and then it pulled into the meat shop. I think it's safe to say he is no longer with us. But we get the cake and everything else we needed for the night.

    We end up doing the tradition like usual and it was good. Grayson was surprised by his little birthday song and I think he had a good day. We almost got him a carrot cake but decided not to. I think that idea would have been nasty. I think he enjoyed our little surprise song but he mostly looked confused on how we knew what song it was. After we had finished the celebration, we all decided to hang out and settle down for bed.



  1. Happy birthday Grayson! Hopefully he's used to getting cake smashed in his face by now. I'm sure it caught him by great surprise when it all unfolded. I love how his family traditions carried over to college. He definitely was not expecting that.


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