Solar Eclipse

    Monday was the solar eclipse and I had spent the last two weeks or so freaking out because of the TikTok's about this is the end of the world coming. I spent the weekend before gearing up for it to be my last weekend here on Earth. I had gone out and bought a new guitar and hung out with my family on Saturday. I spent the night hanging out with my friends for a little boys night and spend Sunday just hanging out. I knew I had homework but just in case the world ended I was not going to spend my last day doing homework.

    The big day was here and I woke up just like every other day and got ready. It was a beautiful day and you could not have asked for a better day for an event like this. It was not cloudy like they expected and the sun was shining and warm. I spent my time leading up to the eclipse outside hanging out with my friends and playing spike ball. I would put on my glasses every 15 minutes or so to see what it looked like. The big event had finally arrived so we all sat down, put on our glasses and watched the final moments of the sun shining. It was way cooler than I could have ever imagined and the pictures of it do not do it justice. The sun came back 5 minutes later and the world went back to normal.

    While I am thankful the world did not end and I am still here, I am a little disappointed. I spend my weekend geared up for it to be it just for everything to be okay. I had a very fun weekend though and I think it makes me realize to spend every day like it is your last because you never know. Also just enjoy your life and slow down to cherish it.


  1. First of all, I am so proud of you for finally purchasing your guitar! I remember you looking at some in class like three months ago! Next, I was actually the opposite of you and thought that the eclipse exceeded my expectations. However, I do agree with you that it was very weird how everything just went back to normal right after it ended!

  2. I am also glad the world did not end. I can't say I though it would, but that is definitely a good outcome. I was in Cincinnati during the eclipse so it wasn't as cool for me unfortunately. It was still cool how Ada was a big part of it and everyone celebrated it.


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