Yet Another Trip to Columbus

    So, it was Easter break and my friends and I had nothing to do. Then I realized that I do not have any business clothes. I am a business student and therefore need to dress up and I am also in PRSSA where we go on trips out of state and dress nicer. Right before I ended up going shopping, I only had clothes that I had bought for Homecoming when I was in high school and let's just say those do not fit the best now. Other than buying the business clothes my main goal was to not buy unnecessary clothes that I did not need.

    So, the first part of our journey was the driving. Obviously, the worst part and from Ada was an hour and a half. We listened to music and had small talk, the usual on a longer car ride. Now we were hungry and before we had left, we decided on Popeyes and that sounded like the best thing since sliced bread to a man who did not eat breakfast that morning. We hit a little pit stop there before the long day of shopping, it did not disappoint. So, we finally arrive at the mall and hit some stores that did not have business clothes first. We just were looking at some stores and I found this shirt I really liked, I told myself and I can't buy it until my friend stepped in and said it was on sale so just do it. I caved and immediately broke my goal at the second store. After that I was determined not to get anything else so I only window shopped for the next couple hours. We finally went to the store that I could get clothes from and I was struggling to find some pants that would fit me. I ended up finding some and was able to get everything I needed.

    The moral of the story here, do not cave in on things you do not need. Temptation is a bad thing and only get things you need. I still have fun and I do not regret the shirt I bought as I find it very cool and it was on sale, but at the end of the day I did not really need it.


  1. This sounds fun! You and your friends seem to travel quite a bit together. I remember commenting on your blog post regarding your friend buying a coat. I second that business clothes are very important, especially for people who are in the business college. I’m glad you were able to find adequate clothes — and some. I like your message and take away from the experience!

  2. Obviously as a fellow business and PR student, I can totally relate to this story, and needing business clothes. Just as a heads up, for Dr. Lambdin's career planning course, you will dress up, in either business casual or professional, at least once a week. I am glad that you will now, hopefully, not be wearing the same dress socks every time!


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