
     I spend an unhealthy amount of YouTube. I think the concept of it just draws in people like me. I have a hard time staying interested in shows and binge watching them unless it is something that is really good or interesting to me. YouTube was built for people with short attention spans like me, I watch a video about one thing and then the next video I watch will be totally different. I could spend hours on there and some days I do. I use it to sleep and background noise while doing chores. Chapter 10 is all about YouTube and I wanted to put my input into it.

    Section 6 is about optimizing the videos and breaks down the different aspects of the video and how to use them to the full potential they have. They start with keywords and just like every other search engine type thing, if you have more recognizable keywords the videos have the higher chance the videos will show up to people who are looking for specific topics. The title will be one of the first things a person will read so it has to be an attention grabber. Me personally I do not look at the description or tags really at all unless I am looking for something really specific. The first thing most likely people will see is the thumbnail, it is there to bait people into clicking on the video and watching it. You have to find a nice balance between making it look interesting but not lying about what happens in the video because that can upset a lot of people.

    That is just a little look into what YouTube can be used for and many influencers and content creators started on YouTube and expanded their content to other channels. I think YouTube is super unique and tailored towards everyone because there is content out there for whatever you are looking for.


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who uses it as background noise when their sleeping, for awhile I thought it was only me. I also watch a lot of YouTube videos, and I think it is because of clickbait titles. I totally agree with the closing statement where you said YouTube is tailored towards everyone because there is content out there for whatever you need.

  2. You're not alone when it comes to being on YouTube for a lot longer than needed. Most of the time we don't even realize it's been an hour because we've only watched 3 videos. Thumbnails basically tell the entire story for what the video is going to consist of but most of the time we're tricked into clickbait and might not be watching what the thumbnail was presenting.


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