Last Week Blogging

    This is the last week of blogging for our principals of social media class so I decided to make my personal blog about my overall thoughts and feelings towards the blog assignment. When we were first introduced into this assignment, I had very mixed feelings but my thoughts have definitely changed since then.

    This was introduced like literally the first week of classes. We were told that this was a weekly assignment and it was something that had to get done weekly and there was no way of making up the work. When I had heard that I was pretty stressed. I was taking two writing classes already this semester so I thought I would not have to do anything like that for this class, maybe have to write like one paper. Now that is my fault totally because why in the world would I take more than one writing class in a semester beats me. Now after getting introduced to this hearing that we had to do two a week before Thursdays class almost seemed impossible to me, keep in mind I would say I am pretty dramatic, but I think I was just making it worse for myself thinking and getting annoyed at it. The first one was pretty difficult because it was weird getting into the swing of something you have never done before. I liked though that one post was personal and another one was about the book because I think at least for me I would get excited about writing the personal one because who doesn't like talking about themselves. And I think talking about the book for the other one made me understand and learn it more than other traditional ways like taking notes.

    Looking back on it I enjoyed this way more than I thought I would. It was fun which is not something I would have expected when this was introduced to me. As for my future in blogging, I don't know. I was thinking about making this more sports orientated and talking about what I wanted to and only post once a week or so but I am not sure how busy I am going to get. To wrap things up, I really liked this assignment, it was a nice twist on traditional learning things.


  1. I did not know I would enjoy blogging as much as I did. It definitely was time consuming, but we made it through. There were some second thoughts when I heard we had to do two a week. That sounded unachievable especially for 15 weeks straight. It was a pleasure having class with you and I hope you made lots of self-reflections from blogging.


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