For PRSSA last week we did our out-of-state firm trips. We went to New York City this year and got the incredible opportunity of touring a total of five firms during our time there. We were also able to get a little bit of free time one night to head out in the city and get a cooler look at it.

    Our trip started out with driving two hours to the Detroit airport Wednesday. We timed it pretty well as we only had to sit there in the airport for 30 minutes or so. We boarded the plane and got all set up and ready, then disaster struck. We go to take off and we start pulling into the dock again. We are all confused and did not know what was going on. The pilot comes over the announcement and says a passenger needs to get off so we have to wait almost an hour. We get all ready to take off again and then there was a fuel imbalance so we went back to the dock. After another hour we finally took off. We landed in New York and it was late. We walked around trying to find our hotel in the bright city. We stopped to get pizza before we made it and wow was it good. We get back to our hotel around 1:30 a.m. and it was time for bed. We get up early to start the firm tours day one we had only two and they went smoothly. That night we went out and ate dinner and hit Times Square after. It was surreal to see in person and it was crazy busy especially at night. We got to bed and get ready for the long day ahead of us. We had three more on Friday along with flying back that night. We get to be in The World Trade Center for two of them and that was incredible. We fly back later that night and our trip was over.

    I love PRSSA and the opportunities that it has given me to travel are so fun. I feel so comfortable in the smaller group and it almost feels like a family. I will forever be thankful for the things I have done this first year through PRSSA.



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