Social Media Sim

     For our principles of social media class, we did this thing called a social media sim. We pretended we were interns at this bag company called Buhi. There were twelve rounds total in the entire thing and we had to do one round a week to stay on track with what we needed to do.

    The first three weeks were the same. We were in charge of creating organic social media posts. We had a budget of five thousand dollars. These posts were not as expensive therefore you could create more than just a couple posts. You could copy the same post that you posted on Instagram and post it on Facebook. They had premade graphics for the post and all that we had to do was create the caption and what time we would post them. Each social media channel has their specific days and times that the posts would thrive. We could see the results after each round but only your name would be shown so you could not see how everyone else did. After the first three rounds were over, we were introduced to a new thing, creating paid posts. These posts we had to choose what the objective of content was trying to do. You could choose from many options like reach, brand awareness, store sales and many more. You then had to pick the picture again, make a cation, create a target audience and make a call to action. These posts cost more money because you also had to set a daily budget because these posts would be up for a week and costs something every day and you get to decide how much the post would cost daily. The next three rounds were focused on trying to get influencers to collaborate with us. You could choose between three different size groups of influencers and then choose one that you wanted to work with. This part was challenging because you have the same budget and some of these influencers are pricey. And finally, the last three rounds combined all of it and put it together. This was easily the longest and most challenging as once again we had the same budget and things got expensive.

    I really liked this actually. It was something that is as close to the real world that you can get in a class. There were times that I really felt like I was actually running this account and it was stressful. I enjoyed this and it was different from things I have done in the past.


  1. I agree that I enjoyed it for a school assignment. It was definitely unique and pretty realistic for a simulation. I am curious as to how they actually measured and came up with the numbers each week. I feel like there is no way they could've valued your captions at all so I kind of want to know how they calculate it.


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