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Social Media Book

 So, my last ever class blog is going to be me giving my thoughts for the book overall that I have been blogging about since the class started. In my last blog I already talked about the blogging experience for the class in general. But this one is going to focus on my thoughts for the book only.     Once a week we had to read the next chapter of our class book and pick one topic from that to write a blog about. We could give our thoughts on a certain subject discussed in the book or research more into what was talked about or really anything involved with the next chapter in the book. I think the book itself was really good other than some things. To start the book was published in 2020 so the big and main thing to talk about that time is COVID-19. Every chapter of the book had a section cut out for how the social media platform responded to COVID-19. And this might be a nitpicking thing but I am so tired of hearing about it so that was usually a section I would just glance over when

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